Contact Us

I.  General Contact Information

Except as otherwise provided, all initial contacts, regardless of the subject, should be emailed to:  JayS, Editor,  Please allow no less than 2 business days for a reply, but in some instances 7 business days for a reply.

Please put some descriptive language in the subject line of your email to avoid spam filtering.  For example, if you are submitting photos or an article, put words like "content contribution," "submission," etc.  If you have a question, type "question regarding your site," etc.

II.  Content Contributions

Providing good content for a blog or website on a regular basis is a lot harder than most people realize.  We can always use your help!  However, if you are interested in submitting content for our site, please follow these basic instructions:

All submissions must be of good, web-ready quality. You must must have legal authority to submit content. 

For images, we do not require face shots.  We take great care to protect the confidentiality of anyone submitting content, if they wish to remain anonymous. Submissions containing illegal sex acts, violence or non-consensual behavior, abuse of children or animals, or heterosexual content will not be posted. 

If you would like to submit content other than images (e.g., erotic stories, articles, multi-media), please contact me directly to discuss what you would like to submit prior to submission.

For further information, please consult our "Legal Briefs" page.

III.  Media Inquiries

All media inquiries should be sent to the same general email address as stated above.  After the initial contact, a member of the staff will contact you promptly regarding any questions or concerns you may have.

IV.  Legal Inquiries

Please refer to the Legal Briefs page for further instructions.

This page was last updated on December 26, 2013

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