Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's Official - There Is Now A .XXX Domain

In the last several days, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) finally voted to create the much-debated .XXX domain.  Although it is not yet a domain that can be used immediately on the Internet, pre-sales are moving forward.  Already, some 300,000 .XXX domain names have been pre-registered.

Feelings about this new domain extension run high on both sides.  Free speech and open Internet advocates joined with many in the adult industry to oppose final approval.  In addition, weighty evidence against approval of the new domain was presented by government stakeholders at the ICANN Conference in San Francisco.

For an alternative discussion of what .XXX means to the adult industry as well as some words of caution  about how to view some of the opinions flying around the WWW, take a look at this article from

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