Friday, April 22, 2011

BUNNG Combines Best Of Cock Ring And Thong

An interesting new piece of undergear on the scene is the "Bunng," pictured above.  At first, I wasn't sure what this thing was.  The designer says it is designed for guys who like cock rings and thongs.  The "Bunng" incorporates elements of both.  Normally, I am not the biggest fan of thongs.  But, I love how a guy's cock looks in a cock ring, especially if he has those kind of balls that end up looking like a baseball (or softball).  That looks awesome!  It looks even better bouncing against a hot bott's butt cheeks. 

Gear Bulges has several hot pics of guys showing off the "Bunng" as well as instructions on ordering.  I think it's worth a look.  Has anyone already purchased?  If so, what do you think?
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  1. I have purchased one in every color. I wear them daily and would not think of leave home without one on. Showing hot bulge is what I love to do best, next to fucking hot ass or being deep throated, both of which I wear my BunnG while doing so. For a showoff like me this is a must have. The nude beach I frenquent has quite a population of BunnG Men now that I've shown these guys te benifits of the BunnG Strap. All I can say is get one now!
