Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Changes To JSJ's Format: Kinky Links Page

One of the things I would like to accomplish with JSJ is to have a current and thorough blogroll for my readers -- as well as -- a section of links that directs you to good content and opportunities, but also  content and opportunities you may not be finding elsewhere. 

The "Kinky Links" section of JSJ is part of what I have done to reach that goal.  Currently, Kinky Links lists sites and services of interest to readers of JSJ.  These are generally links to websites with membership opportunities and other features - predominantly personals or hook ups or ecommerce of some sort.  They are not other adult or gear-related blogs.  For those sites, you would continue to watch the "Undergear Blogroll."

Based on the sheer volume of links my goal requires, I have decided that a section on the JSJ blog's Home Page is not going to work.  So, I am creating a separate page called Kinky Links so that there is ample space to provide not only hyperlinks but also brief descriptions of the sites listed.

Please be sure to visit this new page on the JSJ blog.  If you believe there are high quality links that should be considered for listing -- and in particular, are not getting listed elsewhere -- send me the information so I can evaluate it.

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