Friday, June 10, 2011

New Blogs Of Interest - Guys At The Beach, Best Bulges and Age of Jockstrap

I have come across a few new blogs that I am adding to our Undergear Blogroll and which are well worth checking out.  Notably, these are all Tumblogs.  I don't know if that signifies a movement toward Tumblr, or merely that I have become completely addicted to it.  Either way, there are some great sites over at Tumblr. 

Don't get me wrong - I actually love Blogger, and don't think Tumblr is a completely satisfactory substitute for Google's product.  It is truly unfortunate that Google continues, apparently, to take down gay site after gay site, disproportionately to straight sites.  This will drive us bloggers to other service providers in increasing numbers.

At any rate, the first new site I am adding to the Blogroll is Guys at the Beach.  This is mostly naked men at the beach, as opposed to guys in undergear.  However, there are regular jock and swimsuit pics.  Moreover, the quality of the pics is really great, so I felt that it was a worthwhile addition.

The second site is Best Bulges.  Its name basically says it all.  If you are into big baskets and monster cocks bulging at the seams, this site is for you.  One word of warning - there seem to be a lot of postings on this site, so keep an eye on your RSS feeds, etc.

The third site is Age of Jockstrap.  Again, the name tells you right up front that this is a site that is almost 100% devoted to the jockstrap.  Like Best Bulges, it also has a lot of postings, but they are all great quality.

If you have a site you would like to recommend, regardless of whether it is on Blogger or elsewhere, please let me know and I will review it.
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